Amused and/or alarmed in Kansas.

You can either be amused or alarmed by what's going on, or a healthy dose of both. Kevin Doel, founder of TK Magazine and president of Talon Communications Group, shares the stuff that amuses and alarms him.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Orator in Chief

Obama is out speechifying again today after last night's State of the Union address. Because we haven't heard him enough to fully comprehend his wonderfulness. He's so convinced of his persuasive abilities that if the American people are opposed to his ideas, clearly he just hasn't communicated enough about it.

He's so over-exposed that I think Americans have just tuned him out -- for good.

Among the stuff that made my brain bleed last night, after the petty attacks on his predecessor and the Supreme Court (the most un-presidential address I've ever seen), was the whopper about lobbyists being banned from policy positions. How dumb does he think we are? I guess if he is convinced that the media isn't going to expose him, he can say whatever he wants.

Hello emperor? You're naked!

Erick at RedState lists the former lobbyists currently in policy decisions.

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