Amused and/or alarmed in Kansas.

You can either be amused or alarmed by what's going on, or a healthy dose of both. Kevin Doel, founder of TK Magazine and president of Talon Communications Group, shares the stuff that amuses and alarms him.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

What a lovely, lazy day. I might as well not have even gotten out of my PJs today. This is what New Years Days were made for.

I did manage to get out for an hour or so to take the kids over to Quinton Heights Hill, the famous Topeka sledding hill. I hadn't been there for probably a dozen years or so. It's where I spent a great deal of time during the heavy winters of my childhood. I wanted to be sure my kids had the memory of Quinton Heights in their heads too. During the past few years, we haven't had enough snow to warrant a trip over to the hill -- we're making up for lost snow this year apparently.

What I didn't remember from my childhood is how to successfully climb a hill coated in ice after I've had my thrill ride down it. Twice my feet flipped out from under me and I landed on my rump-side to slide back down the hill without the comfort of a sled.

The few times I was able to sled from the top of the hill to the bottom were a blast. I have my childhood sled with the metal rails and, on ice, that thing zooms.

To me, winter has few redeemable values. KU basketball is the main one. Otherwise, Topekans are probably left with the thrill of sledding down Quinton Heights Hill.

I'm not huge on New Years Resolutions because I'm not huge on keeping them for more than a few weeks, but I do know that in 2010 I want to be a better citizen and a better Christian -- which means I want to be the best I can at doing what I think God wants us to do. I hope I not just study the Bible, pray and go to church, but actually live what I learn and make a difference in people's lives.

I hope you have a successful, prosperous 2010, and you too will fulfill God's purpose for your life in a new and fresh way.

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