Amused and/or alarmed in Kansas.

You can either be amused or alarmed by what's going on, or a healthy dose of both. Kevin Doel, founder of TK Magazine and president of Talon Communications Group, shares the stuff that amuses and alarms him.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Seriously, SERIOUSLY, Slaughtering the US Constitution

I'm as aghast as many Americans at how little Democrats in Congress care about our Constitution and freedoms in their quest for universal health care and other infringements on our freedoms. Now comes word that they may use the "Slaughter Rule" (named for the Congresswoman who proposed the nonsense).

What is the Slaughter Rule? They don't even vote on the thing. They "deem" the Senate version to have passed and then they set about passing modifications to get more of the stuff the House wants in it. It is an abject subversion of the check-and-balances of our Constitutional system!

Word on the NRO blog is that Republicans will bring forth a measure to block the Slaughter Rule from being used.

I keep hearing the White House saying the "people don't care about process, they care about results." So, I say, let's bring back lynch mobs! Who cares about due process when justice can be served so swiftly?

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