Amused and/or alarmed in Kansas.

You can either be amused or alarmed by what's going on, or a healthy dose of both. Kevin Doel, founder of TK Magazine and president of Talon Communications Group, shares the stuff that amuses and alarms him.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Right's "Radical Fringe"

Just got this media inquiry posted to the Profnet service:

POLITICS/TODAY: The Far Right's 'Lunatic Fringe' -- WUSB 90.1 FM (NY)
For a live radio interview on Tuesday, Aug. 24, at 1:15 p.m. EDT, I want to hear about how far this is this going. Is it damaging the GOP? Is it damaging the conservative movement? Is it dangerous? A brief pre-interview chat is required.

I wrote him back and asked exactly what "lunatic fringe" he's talking about. Does he mean the lunatics who got naked to protest the war? How do they damage the GOP?

(I, of course, presume he's referring to the patriotic tea partiers. It's nauseating the media obsession with portraying real Americans who want to preserve the nation the founders established and soldiers fought and died for are "lunatics" but those who want to "fundamentally transform" it are the good Americans.)